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Universities>>Diploma Years>>Courses and Schedules.
Assiut University
Assiut University
Assiut University (AU) is located in Assiut, Egypt, a governorate of nearly three and a half million. Assiut University was established in 1957 as the first university in Upper Egypt and serves the entire area. Assiut University also has substantial experience in: 1) teaching issues of Public Policy, Child Rights, Civil Society, Political and Economic Development in different departments; 2)conducting academic partnership agreements with regional and international universities; 3) dealing with high rates of child labor in Upper Egypt because of economic and social problems there (poverty remains highly concentrated in Upper Egypt, "51% of all poor and 66% of the extreme poor in the country").

Cairo University
Cairo University
The Cairo University’s Faculty of Economics and Political Science (FEPS) is the main project coordinator and has substantial experience in 1) professional development for public policy-makers and political leaders; 2) a strong reputation in teaching issues of globalization, development, gender equality and poverty from a multi-disciplinary approach in different departments; 3) a strong existing graduate Diploma program that attracts academics and practitioners from different sectors as well as from different Arab countries. The CairoUniversity has also implemented and continues to implement one course on Public Policy and Child Rights in Egypt as part of a one-year Diploma on Civil Society and Human Rights. The success of this course inspired the current DPPCR.

Hashemite University
Hashemite University
At Hashemite University (HU), the “Queen Rania Faculty for Childhood” is the host of DPPCR. It specifically focuses on children and offers undergraduate programs on childhood studies. The faculty has a strategy to bridge the gap between academic teaching and research and evidence-based public policy making. HU also works to cooperate with local, Arab and international agencies, exchanging experiences worldwide. In addition, HU has well-qualified staff of academics and researchers with a broad range backgrounds and a good reputation in the field of childhood education, children’s rights and law, children’s health and education, research on children, psychology, social work, globalization and poverty, economics, public finances, public policy, policy science, law, as well as human rights from a multidisciplinary approach in different departments and faculties within HU. In addition, HU is implementing several courses on Human Rights, Children’s Right, Child Abuse, Children’s Development, Psychology, Public Policy, Public Finances, and Economics.

The University of Jordan
The University of Jordan
The Social work Institute (SWI) at University of Jordan (UJ) also has substantial experience in areas related to children’s issues such as social work with disabled children, family and socialization, child labor, etc. SWI is teaching courses on social planning and polices and it has a strong reputation in focusing issues of advocacy development, gender, equality, and poverty. UJ has two other programs related to children’s issues: the first is childhood education, and the other is human rights and human development. The excellent reputation of UJ attracts thousands of students from the Gulf States and other countries making it an influential academic institution in the region.
