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DPPCR E-Learning Workshop, Cairo University, May 26th 2013
7/8/2013 12:15:47 AM |
DPPCR at Cairo University hosted a workshop on e-learning. This workshop was attended by 16 of Cairo, Assiut and the Hashemite Universities Professors and Teacher Assistants. The workshop discussed the current state of using Blackboard in DPPCR and using the Moodle as an alternative. Photos can be found in the photo gallery.
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RiP workshops at Cairo University and Assiut University
3/22/2013 4:24:17 PM |
In December 2012, RiP organized workshops on evidence-informed practice for both DPPCR lecturers and students at Cairo University and Assiut University. 11 lecturers and 46 students attended the workshops from both universities.
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DPPCR begins at Cairo University
10/13/2012 3:38:56 PM |
In October 1st, the Faculty of Economics and Political Science (FEPS) at Cairo University opened its doors to the second batch of DPPCR students. After the successful completion of the first academic year 2011/2012 of DPPCR and graduating 25 students, FEPS staff was ready to start the first semester of the second academic year 2012/2013 and teaching the first four modules: 1. Children Rights & the Law 2. Researching Children (Methodology) 3. Children Rights Advocacy 4. Growing Up in the Arab World This semester there are 35 students enrolled in DPPCR, this number reflects the increase of interest in the subject in Cairo and in Egypt at large. The backgrounds of our students are varied with many development practitioners (employed in both NGO’s and Governmental bodies), lawyers, journalists, and accountants. We have an especially high turn out from the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood for the second year in a row, as well as a new partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Youth. The educational background of our students is also impressive with students coming from different faculties ranging from political science, commerce, mass communication, law, psychology, arts, social work, Islamic studies, engineering and even physical education. We wish that our students would gain the maximum benefits from DPPCR, and that we would also learn from them, to be able to build a cadre of practitioners working with and for children equipped to be strong advocates for the advancement of children’s rights.
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DPPCR begins at Assiut University
10/13/2012 1:05:13 PM |
In September 22nd, Assiut University began the first semester of DPPCR for the second Academic Year 2012/2013. This Semester the DPPCR staff in Assiut University is teaching four modules. These modules are: 1. Growing Up in the Arab World 2. Child Rights and the Law 3. Improving Services for Children 4. Researching Children (Methodology) Currently, there are 18 students enrolled in DPPCR, 9 of them work in different NGO’s and the other 9 work in Governmental Organizations. This number of students reflects the continuous interest in the subject in Egypt. The educational backgrounds of our students is quite impressive with students coming from different faculties ranging from, Law, Sociology, Political Science, Communication, Arts, Social Work, Education, Commerce and even medicine. We wish our students at Assiut University would gain the best from the network of professionals, academics, and practitioners at DPPCR and in return we can learn from their educational and working experiences.
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DPPCR at Cairo University begins a new partnership
9/5/2012 5:21:41 PM |
DPPCR at the Faculty of Economics & Political Science (FEPS) at Cairo University began a new partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Youth. The Ministry offered to bear the costs of 5 of its employees to register in the new DPPCR academic year. In addition to the continued partnership with the Egyptian National Council for Childhood & Motherhood for the second year in a row. DPPCR seeks to increase the cooperation with the governmental institutuins in Egypt to maintain and enhance the rights of children.
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Meeting with the President of the University of Jordan
9/5/2012 5:12:52 PM |
In Sunday 29th July 2012, the President of the University of Jordan, Professor Ekhleif Tarawneh met with Dr. Heba Raouf the DPPCR manager at Cairo University, Professor Abdul- Monem AlMashat from cairo University and Dr. Mohamed Maani the Dean of the Institute of Socail Work to discuss the development of the program, especially increasing student and faculty exchange between universities participating in the project. Dr. Heba Raouf displayed scientific activities associated with the program. In turn, Dr. Mohamed Maani referred to efforts being made to develop the program.
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TEMPUS DPPCR Coordination Meeting at The Hague
9/5/2012 4:08:21 PM |
In the 7th of July 2012, the DPPCR partners met in the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) at The Hague to discuss the latest achievements of the DPPCR program in each partner university and to prepare for the upcoming semester. During the meeting the partners emphasized the importance of the cooperation between the partner universities through increasing the students and teachers exchange. In addition the partners discussed developing the DPPCR courses taking into considertaion the positive and negative points noted by teaching and through evaluation.
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Apply for DPPCR at Cairo University
8/17/2012 11:10:08 PM |
Faculty of Economics and Political Science (FEPS) at Cairo University opened its doors to accept the second batch of DPPCR students for the upcoming academic year 2012/2013. The admission period started on the 1st of August 2012 and will end on September 12, 2012. For more information please contact the Secretary of the Diploma "Aya Nawwar" by e-mail: [email protected]
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