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Public Finance and Social Budgeting

Course objective and expected outcomes:
This course has the objective of providing non-specialized students with basic tools of understanding and researching budgetary issues (that are usually seen as complex and highly specialized) in a tailored manner to enable civil society entities to read budgets and assess them in relation to social needs. These tools of understanding are fundamental to various economic (budgetary) issues, so buy essay papers online and read more on this topic.

On successful completion of this course, the following outcomes will be achieved:
- Students will be able to understand the principles of public policy and its budgetary implications
- Students will be able to grasp budgetary approaches, in particular the rights-based budgeting approach
- Students will have the capacity to analyze the state budget and evaluate spending from the perspective of the rights-based budgeting approach
- Developing students' skills at interpreting data and visual displays of information and concepts
- Develop the skills in evaluating economic policies and budgetingoutcomes

Subject content:
This course aims to introduce budgeting concepts and public policy. It relates budgeting to political power issues and the distribution of values, and how this is linked to human rights, equality and citizenship. It highlights budgetary approaches to child rights and the need for inclusion of different groups in society in budgetary planning. This includes line-item budgeting, program based budgeting, performance based budgeting, and sectoral spending. Two main sectors will be analyzed: health and education. Social spending will be studied in its relevance to civil society roles and responsibilities.